
The Winter Weekend retreat

February 25-27, 2022

 Our Philosophy

Our philosophy stems from the belief that true happiness is obtained only when there is harmony between mind, body, and spirit. We feel there is no single magic solution to achieve this balance, but rather a number of small transformations that can have an immense impact on daily life. We are all at varying stages of our journey toward living a happy, balanced life, and the goal of Awaken is to meet you where you are at and promote your progress. This retreat focuses on nourishing the mind through female empowerment, the body through healthy, sustainable food choices, and the spirit through the wonder and beauty supplied in nature. By unplugging and surrounding ourselves with a community of empowered women, mountains can be moved!


 Our Itinerary

Schedule is weather permitting and subject to change. The schedule is designed to help you to get the most out of your time with us. However, should you choose to skip an activity and instead have time to yourself, that is fine too. This weekend is all about you and your personal empowerment.

We strongly suggest you leave your electronic devices in your room during the day to enhance your experience.


Arrive any time after 3pm

5:00pm: Introductions and information on the weekend events.

6:30pm: Dinner.

8:00pm: Get to Know You Game

8:30pm: Group Discussion/Journaling

***Remember, your participation in activities is optional


7:30am: Morning meditation

8:30am: Breakfast

10:00am: Snowshoeing/cross country skiing on state trail OR Snowshoeing/hiking to Ice Caves along Lake Superior (if open to public)

1:00pm: Lunch

2:30pm: Group Discussion OR relax by the fireplace with a cup of tea

6:00pm: Dinner

7:30pm: Snowshoeing by moonlight with luminaries


7:30am: Morning stretch

9:00am: Breakfast and wrap up

11:00am: Check out