

Our goals at Awaken are to help you strengthen your sense of self-worth, determine your own choices, and validate where you are in your journey towards personal growth. Just by deciding to participate in a retreat, you are taking the first step in defining your self-worth. You deserve to have the space to rediscover you. When you determine your own choices you set healthy boundaries and clear expectations. Validation comes when you choose to see yourself as a warrior who is confident in their vulnerability. Danna and Lee Ann strategically choose activities and resources to help you recognize the strong empowered woman you already are.



Our body and mind are interlinked, and nourishing both is vital to having a well rounded, healthy lifestyle. Researchers out of Johns Hopkins, explained there is a real connection between our gut and our brain. They credit gut health with mood, physical wellbeing, and clarity of thought. Keeping food choices simple is a must in today’s fast paced world. Simple does not have to mean boring or bland. Food should not only be healthy but should also be visually pleasing. Our goal is to provide you with healthy meals that can be prepared within 30 minutes. All ingredients are easy to find and available at most grocery stores or can be grown in your home. Danna and Lee Ann choose recipes based on what is seasonally fresh, full of natural flavors, and versatile.



Nature is vital to our emotional and physical wellbeing. Research suggests that spending time in nature can improve mood, enhance immune system functions, increase self-esteem, and reduce anxiety. Breathing fresh air boosts serotonin levels due to the increased levels of oxygen in your brain. Our goal is to provide activities that are not only outdoors but also focus on the benefits nature provides. Whether we are hiking around beautiful waterfalls or forest bathing, Danna and Lee Ann will help you immerse yourself in nature and benefit from all it has to offer.