Women's Wave Wisconsin

This weekend I jumped in my Subaru, grabbed my pink hat, and headed to Madison to march in solidarity with women marching in Washington D.C., on the same day! I had no idea what to expect. The morning was very cold and Madison got a lot of snow Friday night. The crowd was smaller than I expected, with approximately 700 people in attendance, but the energy and excitement were hypnotizing! There were speakers from all over the state talking about issues affecting women of all different ages, races, and socio-economic situations.


To me the best part was seeing women feeling empowered and letting their voices be heard. When the word feminist is used, the image of women burning their bras with hairy armpits come to many people’s minds. However, most bras are far too expensive to burn!! Instead the state capital steps were filled with women, most of whom were wearing their bras, who want to be policy  makers, feel safe in their communities, and support their families. To me a feminist is someone who celebrates her uniqueness and the fact that she is different from men, but still feels she deserves equal opportunities. I will continue to celebrate women and their unique contributions to the world I live in, and I’ll continue to foster my uniqueness!