
awaken shop

Fill out the form below to indicate which item(S) you are interested in purchasing

You will receive an email shortly after with an invoice

Shirt A ($25)

Shirt B ($25)

Shirt C ($25)


Shirt D ($20)

Shirt E ($20)

Shirt F ($20)


Weekly Wellness Tracker ($20)

Our exclusive 6-month paperback wellness planner, designed to help define and achieve your unique health and wellness goals.

Lifetime Access to Awaken’s Virtual Summit: Quieting the Angst Within (+ Free Virtual Workbook!) ($15)

Enjoy lifetime access to the 2023 summit, featuring 9 experts on health and wellness topics ranging from ornitherapy to forest bathing to face yoga and more!


Special Order Form

If you have any special notes or a request for a special order, just let us know below! We will email you shortly with more information and an invoice for your order.